Finding Balance as we Juggle Screen Time and Social Media: Part I

I have yet to encounter a client who desires more screen time for their kids. The constant worry and struggle is when to introduce various forms of technology and how to limit children's time on these devices. Knowing that the most powerful influence on our kids is the behavior we parents model, I must turn the magnifying glass on myself. What are my screen habits? How does my use of technology affect my relationships? Why did I just spend 45 minutes (OK, an hour) on Facebook? How often do my kids see me without my phone?

Before I can effectively guide my kids toward healthy screen habits, I need to check myself. For this reason, I encourage you to join us as we take on WNYC's Bored and Brilliant project. I'll be introducing this challenge next week, May 21st, at a workshop dedicated to how we can make this summer awesome. Sign up on the right to join us in person, or follow this link to the Bored and Brilliant project's website. In my version of the project, I'll alter the week of challenges to work for both parents and kids. It may just be a brilliant way to begin your summer.