My name is Christy Brady Smith. I am a developmental psychologist, an associate therapist, and mom of three lively kids. I earned my Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Columbia University and my MSW in Clinical Social Work from University of Washington. I work with children and adolescents struggling with anxiety, OCD, and big emotions and the parents and teachers who care for them.


Most of my time is spent in individual therapy with children and adolescents. I also offer a range of educational services including private consultations, parenting classes, parent groups focused on specific topics or ages, school talks, and teacher trainings. Although I am well versed in many approaches to parenting, I am not tied to one particular philosophy as a fit for all families, so am better able to draw from the breadth of my knowledge to find a good fit for you as we work to raise happy, kind, creative, inquisitive children. 


I believe that knowledge about child development and strategies for dealing with each stage gives parents and educators the tools to cultivate strong relationships, nurture imaginative minds, and develop lifelong learners.


What clients are saying.

"I always left my sessions with Christy full of new information, actionable ideas, and inspiration. Her sessions were thoughtful, well researched and pertinent for the issues that I was facing as a mom. She offered practical advice and gave me the confidence to address issues that I'd been struggling with as the parent of a teen." - Sara, mom of two teens

"You provided just the right amount of information -- plenty, but not overwhelming -- and things I could remember and do and feel good about." - Attendee, ABCs of Infant Brain Development

"It was by chance that I ended up in this amazing positive discipline class while I was in full on survival mode. I had my third baby and was attempting to parent with no steam. Christy was able to reach all of us at every level of our parenting. I needed things simple and straight forward to be the parent I yearned to be while juggling the needs of an infant. One of my favorite sessions was when we became our children and experienced a snapshot of our parenting through unforgettable skits. - Julie, mom of three

"Hearing and telling stories in my Mothers of Teen Girls group helped me see that my family is not alone (or peculiar!) in our growing pains. Sharing our stories was huge and Christy's insight and advice saved my sanity and has given me patience with my teen daughters and tween son.  Her ease, humor and relatable style, coupled with her vast research, education, and experience makes her the perfect person to walk us parents through these trying times! - Rose, mom of three